- The Australia Customer
- The Australia Customer: These customers came from Australia. They were talking with our engineers and sales manager about the injection mould manufacturing. They defined our factory was the best after they visited five suppliers from China....
- The Canada Customer
- The Canada Customer: These two customers came from Canada and they are checking the samples. Our sale manager was describing our plastic mold manufacturing process to them and taking their suggestions down. As they were said, our injection...
- The England Customer
- The England Customer: Mr. Kevin came from England. He has been satisfied with our plastic parts used for control the gate. Mr. Kevini is being satisfied with our china injection mould. This was the first time he visited our factory and we h...
- The America Customer
- The America Customer: Mr. Joe came from America to talk about he plastic caps and his other projects. He made four orders this year and the total order amount is about one million dollars. He appreciates and recemmends us. He has seemed us...
- 评价三
- 一次偶然的机会,在广交会展上面认识了贵公司,被他们丰富的产品吸引。刚好我们公司需要酒店通风的情况,就抱着试一试的心态先试了小样,然后订购了一批;之后做出来的成品发现质量非...
- 评价四
- 一直继承和发扬了“诚信为本,以信取利”的商业精髓,为顾客提供完善的售前、售中和售后服务,赢得了广泛的市场美誉和良好的口碑,也因此在这一行里脱颖而出。他们凭借着自己的热情、...
- 评价二
- 产品质量是企业发展的基础,是企业的生命,也是我们共同的追求。和贵公司合作期间,他们以优良的产品质量和完善的服务来满足我们的需求。贵公司注重品牌,品质,诚信和服务,...
- 评价一
- 去贵公司参观过,对贵公司有一定了解,一个企业如果没有长远的战略眼光,也许在三年五年之内企业做的如日中天,却在十年之后反而被当初不屑一顾的弱小对手轻易地吃掉。公司能...